The First Day

时间/TimeMonday 23 November 2015 / 2015年1123

地点/AddressGrove Auditorium, Magdalen College Grove礼堂,莫德林学院讲堂



Welcome and Introductions   

Anne Davis (University
of Oxford)  (牛津大学)

Shouwen Zhang (Peking
University)  张守文(北京大学)

Michael Klausner
(Stanford University)  (斯坦福大学)

Brent Irvin
(Tencent)     (腾讯)

Panel 1   


The Internet, Quality of
Life and the UN
s Post-2015 Development Agenda


September 2015 the United Nations released the Agenda for Sustainable
Development, outlining the goals that all countries should adopt for addressing
global peace and poverty over the next fifteen years. One of these goals
includes a commitment to provide Internet connectivity to all by 2020.  This panel will explore the different
innovations and applications that are being developed for improving the lives
of the world’s poorest. Special consideration will be given to the efforts by
technology companies to expand access and the initiatives by governments and
international organizations to leverage technology to bridge income
inequalities and improve service delivery. Some of these efforts, however, have
been criticized for creating a walled, or two-tiered, Internet with free access
limited only to selected online spaces and services. We will explore the
regulatory implications around efforts to extend Internet access to the
two-thirds of the world that are not yet connected.

Philip R. Malone
(Stanford University)  (斯坦福大学)

Ebele Okobi (Facebook)

Jason Si (Tencent)  司晓 (腾讯)

 Chair: Nicole Stremlau (University of
Oxford)  (牛津大学)

10.45-11.00 Coffee and

Panel 2  


Exploring Models of
Innovation-driven Development: Internet+ and Smart Cities


This panel will explore
various initiatives that countries are pursuing to encourage economic growth,
particularly in urban areas, by integrating Internet technologies such as
mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things with
manufacturing and business. Examples of different initiatives to be discussed
in a comparative perspective including China’s
Internet Plus action plan, the German government
Industry 4.0 and the European Union
s Smart Cities
initiative.  Current progress in
implementation, emerging challenges and legal and regulatory issues will be

Ping Zhang (Peking
University)   张平 (北京大学)

Jonathan Bright
(University of Oxford)    (牛津大学)

Bei Zhang (DIDI)   张贝(滴滴公司)

Lisa Ouellette Larrimore
(Stanford University)   (斯坦福大学)

Chair: Paolo Cavaliere
(University of Edinburgh)    (爱丁堡大学)



Panel 3   

数据权利的新趋势 New Trends in Digital Rights


This panel will consider
cutting-edge issues around digital rights, including role and responsibilities
of the state, international organizations, and companies, and the expectations
of citizens.  Panelists will explore how
human rights in the digital age are both conceptualized and regulated in a
comparative perspective. We will also discuss how different methodologies are
being developed to define and assess digital rights from an end-users

Paul Goldstein (Stanford
University)    (斯坦福大学)

Jacob Rowbottom
(University of Oxford)   (牛津大学)

Xixin Wang (Peking
University)   王锡锌(北京大学)

Rebecca MacKinnon
(Ranking Digital Rights)    (数据权力排名项目)

Chair: Richard Danbury
(University of Cambridge)    (剑桥大学)

3.30-3.45   Coffee and Tea 茶歇


5.15   Panel 4

The Right to Be



This panel will consider
the impact of the recent ruling taken by the European Court of Justice on the
right to be forgotten and data protection. 
We will explore how the EU ruling has been interpreted outside of Europe
and the extent to which other countries are considering similar legislation.

Luciano Floridi
(University of Oxford)    (牛津大学)

Daphne Keller (Stanford
University)    (斯坦福大学)

Qinkun Zhang
(Tencent)    张钦坤(腾讯)

Chair: Harjinder Obhi
(Google UK)    (谷歌公司)

5.15-6.00   Keynote Lecture: Innovation and Regulation 创新与规制

Brent Irvin
(Tencent)    (腾讯)

Chair: Michael Klausner
(Stanford University)    (斯坦福大学)

6.30 -7.15 Reception at
the Ashmolean Museum

The First Day

时间/TimeTuesday 24 November 2015-05-20 / 2015年1124日 星期二

地点/AddressMilner Hall, Rhodes House   Milner大厅, 罗德楼



9.00-10.30 Roundtable
Discussion 1

互联网治理的外交政策  The Foreign Policies of Internet Governance


Is there one Internet or
many Internets? How are state actors trying to shape their national information
spaces? And are they seeking to influence how other states are shaping their
own? What is the role of national and international law? This roundtable
examines how different ideas of the Internet have begun to compete at the
national and international level, which actors have sought to promote them, and
with what outcome. It will also consider the role of international
organizations (particularly the United Nations) and the various interventions
international regulatory bodies may take.

Monroe Price (University
of Pennsylvania/ University of Oxford)   
(宾夕法尼亚大学 / 牛津大学)

Guy Berger (UNESCO)  (联合国教科文组织)

Yong Huang (University
of International Business and Economics Law School)   黄勇 (对外经济贸易大学)

Bennett Freeman (Global
Network Initiative)   (全球网络倡议组织)


10.30-10.45 Coffee and

10.45-12.30 Roundtable
Discussion 2  

规制和识别仇恨言论的挑战 Challenges of Regulating and Identifying Hate Speech


The focus of this
roundtable will be on the challenges of defining and identifying hate speech
online, with a focus on different approaches to defining it in different communities.
We will explore emerging research initiatives to develop methodologies to track
hate speech online and potential links between online speech and physical or
communal violence (including through content analysis, crowdsourced data, etc).
We will also discuss the role of companies, states and non-governmental actors
in addressing such speech as well as the bottom-up efforts online communities
take to create and enforce standards. 

Mark Stephens (Howard
Kennedy)   (Howard Kennedy律师事务所)

ginio Gagliardone
(University of Oxford)  (牛津大学)

Xiongshan Cai
(Tencent)    蔡雄山 (腾讯)

Timothy Garton Ash
(University of Oxford)    (牛津大学)


12.30-1.30 Lunch   午餐


1.30-3.00 Roundtable
Discussion 3  

商业、安全与人权  Commerce, Security and Human Rights


This panel will examine
the latest trends in commerce and security, including how cyber commerce is
shaping human rights and global governance debates. We will explore how
innovations in banking and mobile payments are also creating new opportunities
for criminals and the financing of illegal groups/organizations as well as
opportunities for reducing corruption and monitoring financial flows. The panel
will also consider how disputes are resolved at a local level- as mobile money
has an increasingly prominent role in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, what are
effective examples of regulatory ingenuity that have both allowed consumer
confidence and fostered innovation?

Jianzhong Shi (China
University of Political Science and Law)   
时建中 (中国政法大学)

Steve Crown
(Microsoft)   (微软公司)

Janine Aron (University
of Oxford)    (牛津大学)

Jonathan Mayer (Stanford
University)    (斯坦福大学)

Andres Font Galarza
(Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher)    (Gibson,
Dunn & Crutcher律师事务所)

3.00-3.15 Coffee

3.15-5.00 Roundtable
Discussion 4  

新技术与法院  New Technologies and Courts


This panel will explore
some of the emerging and contentious issues around the admissibility of data
and electronic evidence (including a range of content from online videos, text
messages, data localization to email records) in courts.  Issues such as verification, privacy,
collection and analysis will be discussed.

Ming Yang (Peking
University)   杨明 (北京大学)

Lisa Ouellette Larrimore
(Stanford University)    (斯坦福大学)

Mingde Li (China Academy
of Social Sciences)    李明德 (中国社会科学院)

Philip R. Malone
(Stanford University)   (斯坦福大学)

Wendy Betts
(International Bar Association)    (国际律师协会)


Concluding remarks  