时间/Time12月4 December 4 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


地点/AddressPaul Brest Hall, Munger Graduate Residences



09:15开幕致辞Welcome & Opening Remarks

.    M. Elizabeth Magill 斯坦福法学院Richard E. Lang法学教授及院长 

M. Elizabeth Magill - Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean, Stanford Law School

09:30-10:45中美专利发展Patent Developments in China and the United States


This panel will address recent developments in patent law affecting foreign companies doing business in the US and China. With respect to Chinese patent law, it will cover the Fourth Amendment to the Chinese Patent Law and other topics of interest to foreign companies doing business in China, such as ISP liability for patent infringement and employee invention rewards. With respect to US patent law, the panel will discuss the constriction of patentable subject matter, the constitutionality of administrative revocation of patents, importation of patented products, and US court jurisdiction over foreign companies.


.    Lisa Ouellette 斯坦福法学院副教授 

Lisa Ouellette – Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

ž   Mark Lemley 斯坦福法学院William H. Neukom法学教授   

Mark Lemley – William H. Neukom Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

ž   崔国斌 清华大学法学院副院长、副教授 

CUI Guobin – Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Tsinghua University Law School

ž   张平 北京大学法学院法学教授、知识产权学院常务副院长 

ZHANG Ping – Professor of Law, Peking University Law School; Executive Deputy Dean, School of Intellectual Property Law



11:00-12:15中国版权保护及版权相关交易的演变 Copyright Protection in China and the Evolution of Copyright-Dependent Transactions 


Copyright protection in China has evolved over the past decade. Today, firms are making major investments that depend on effective copyright protection. This panel will discuss the development of Chinese copyright law and enforcement, and the recent major transactions in China that this development has facilitated. Professor Goldstein will provide commentary from a comparative perspective.


ž   刘家瑞 旧金山大学法学院法学教授

Jerry Liu – Professor of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law

ž   王迁 华东政法大学知识产权学院教授

WANG Qian – Professor, Intellectual Property School, East China University of Political Science and Law

ž   李明德 中国社会科学院研究生院博士生导师、中国社会科学院研究生院知识产权研究中心主任

LI MingDe – Faculty of Law, Center of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science; Chief of Intellectual Property Law Center, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science

ž   Brent Irvin 腾讯集团总法律顾问

Brent Irvin – General Counsel, Tencent

ž   Paul Goldstein 斯坦福大学法学院Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick法学教授

Paul Goldstein - Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick Professor of Law, Stanford Law School


演讲人:郭雳 北京大学法学院副院长、教授

Speaker: GUO Li – Deputy Dean and Professor, Peking University Law School


13:15-14:30互联网和经济发展The Internet and Economic Development


This panel will address how the Internet is being used to promote economic development and to reduce inequality in developing countries. Speakers will discuss what their companies are doing to deliver services to promote development and what research has shown regarding results.


ž   司晓 腾讯研究院院长

Jason Si – Dean, Tencent Research Institute

ž   孟昭莉 腾讯研究院副院长

MENG Zhaoli – Deputy Dean, Tencent Research Institute

ž   Pankaj Venugopal Facebook公司副总法律顾问
Pankaj Venugopal – Associate General Counsel, Facebook

ž   Nicole Sremlau 牛津大学比较媒体法与政策项目负责人

Nicole Sremlau – Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, University of Oxford



14:45-16:00互联网环境下的反垄Antitrust in the Internet Environment


Internet companies’ accumulation of personal data has raised concerns in recent years regarding the potential for ownership of these data to impede competition. Accordingly, competition authorities around the world are beginning to consider how antitrust and competition laws should take data aggregation into account in approving mergers and acquisitions, and in enforcing these laws more generally. This panel seeks to explore the perspectives and regulatory approaches of the United States, the European Union, and China—with respect to both anticompetitive threats and legal remedies. In addition, the panel will address the danger that this focus on data aggregation may facilitate protectionism under the guise of competition concerns.


ž   Timothy Lau 联邦司法中心研究员

Timothy Lau – Research Associate, Federal Judicial Center

ž   黄勇 对外经济贸易大学竞争法中心主任、法学教授

HUANG Yong – Director of the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE); Professor, UIBE Law School

ž   杨明 北京大学法学院教授

Yang Ming – Professor, Peking University Law School

ž   Joshua Wright 乔治梅森大学Antonin Scalia法学院教授、美国联邦贸易委员会前高级专员

Joshua Wright – Professor, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University; former Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission