时间/Time12月4日 09:00- 17:00

地点/Address : 斯坦福大学Paul Brest Hall, Munger Graduate Residences


09:15 开幕致辞

Welcome & Opening Remarks


◆ M. Elizabeth Magill 斯坦福法学院Richard E. Lang法学教授及院长

M. Elizabeth Magill - Richard E. Lang Professor of Lawand Dean, Stanford Law School

09:30-10:45 中美专利发展

Patent Developments in China and the United States


This panel will address recent developments in patent law affecting foreign companies doing business in the US and China. With respect to Chinese patent law, it will cover the Fourth Amendment to the Chinese Patent Law and other topics of interest to foreign companies doing business in China, such as ISP liability for patent infringement and employee invention rewards. With respect to US patent law, the panel will discuss the constriction of patentable subject matter, the constitutionality of administrative revocation of patents, importation of patented products, and US court jurisdiction over foreign companies.

参与嘉宾 Panelists:

◆ Lisa Ouellette 斯坦福法学院副教授

Lisa Ouellette – Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

◆ Mark Lemley 斯坦福法学院William H. Neukom法学教授

Mark Lemley – William H. Neukom Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

◆ 崔国斌 清华大学法学院副院长、副教授

CUI Guobin – Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Tsinghua University Law School

张平 北京大学法学院法学教授、知识产权学院常务副院长

ZHANG Ping – Professor of Law, Peking University Law School; Executive Deputy Dean, School of Intellectual Property Law

10:45 茶歇


11:00-12:15 中国版权保护及版权相关交易的演变

Copyright Protection in China and the Evolution

of Copyright-Dependent Transactions


Copyright protection in China has evolved over the past decade. Today, firms are making major investments that depend on effective copyright protection. This panel will discuss the development of Chinese copyright law and enforcement, and the recent major transactions in China that this development has facilitated. Professor Goldstein will provide commentary from a comparative perspective.

参与嘉宾 Panelists:

◆ 刘家瑞 旧金山大学法学院法学教授

Jerry Liu – Professor of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law

王迁 华东政法大学知识产权学院教授

WANG Qian – Professor, Intellectual Property School, East China University of Political Science and Law

李明德 中国社会科学院研究生院博士生导师、中国社会科学院研究生院知识产权研究中心主任

LI MingDe – Faculty of Law, Center of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science; Chief of Intellectual Property Law Center, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science

Brent Irvin 腾讯集团总法律顾问

Brent Irvin – General Counsel, Tencent

Paul Goldstein 斯坦福大学法学院Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick法学教授

Paul Goldstein - Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

12:15 午餐


▶ 演讲人

郭雳 北京大学法学院副院长、教授

Speaker: GUO Li – Deputy Dean and Professor, Peking University Law School

13:15-14:30 互联网和经济发展

The Internet and Economic Development


This panel will address how the Internet is being used to promote economic development and to reduce inequality in developing countries. Speakers will discuss what their companies are doing to deliver services to promote development and what research has shown regarding results.


司晓 腾讯研究院院长

Jason Si – Dean, Tencent Research Institute

李刚 腾讯研究院产业经济中心主任,首席研究员

Gang Li – Chief Analyst and director of Industrial Economics Research Center of Tencent Research Institute

Pankaj Venugopal Facebook公司副总法律顾问

Pankaj Venugopal – Associate General Counsel, Facebook

Nicole Sremlau 牛津大学比较媒体法与政策项目负责人

Nicole Sremlau – Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, University of Oxford

张丰艳 中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院副教授

Zhang Fengyan - associated professor of Faculty of Music and Recording Art in Communication University of China

14:45-16:00 互联网环境下的反垄断

Antitrust in the Internet Environment


Internet companies’ accumulation of personal data has raised concerns in recent years regarding the potential for ownership of these data to impede competition. Accordingly, competition authorities around the world are beginning to consider how antitrust and competition laws should take data aggregation into account in approving mergers and acquisitions, and in enforcing these laws more generally. This panel seeks to explore the perspectives and regulatory approaches of the United States, the European Union, and China—with respect to both anticompetitive threats and legal remedies. In addition, the panel will address the danger that this focus on data aggregation may facilitate protectionism under the guise of competition concerns.


Timothy Lau 联邦司法中心研究员

Timothy Lau – Research Associate, Federal Judicial Center

黄勇 对外经济贸易大学竞争法中心主任、法学教授

HUANG Yong – Director of the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE); Professor, UIBE Law School

杨明 北京大学法学院教授

Yang Ming – Professor, Peking University Law School

Joshua Wright 乔治梅森大学Antonin Scalia法学院教授、美国联邦贸易委员会前高级专员

Joshua Wright – Professor, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University; former Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission


M. Elizabeth Magill

斯坦福法学院Richard E. Lang 法学教授及院长

Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean,

Stanford Law School

2012年9月1日被任命为斯坦福法学院院长及“Richard E. Lang”法学教授,成为法学院第十三任院长。在加入斯坦福大学之前,她曾在弗吉尼亚大学法学院任教15年,期间最近的职务为副院长、“Joseph Weintraub–Bank of America”特聘法学教授、及“Elizabeth D. and Richard A. Merrill”教授。

作为行政法和宪法结构领域的专家,Magill院长教授行政法、宪法与食品药品法。她的学术文章发表于领先的法律评论期刊,并因其学术贡献而获得多个奖项。她是美国法学会(American Law Institute)成员,曾担任普林斯顿大学法律和公共事务项目(Program in Law and Public Affairs)研究员、哈佛法学院客座教授,以及剑桥大学唐宁学院“托马斯•杰斐逊”客座研究员(Thomas Jefferson Visiting Fellow)。

1988年完成耶鲁大学历史学学士学位后,Magill院长曾担任美国参议员Kent Conrad在能源和自然资源领域的高级立法助理,为期四年。 离开国会山后,她就读于弗吉尼亚大学法学院,期间担任《弗吉尼亚法律评论》(Virginia Law Review)的文章开发编辑,并因其学术成就而获得多个奖项。 1995年毕业后,Magill院长先后担任美国上诉法院第四巡回法庭J. Harvie Wilkinson III法官及美国最高法院金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)大法官的法官助理。

M. Elizabeth Magill was appointed the Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean of Stanford Law School on September 1, 2012. She is the law school’s 13th dean. Before coming to Stanford she was on the faculty at the University of Virginia School of Law for 15 years, serving most recently as vice dean, the Joseph Weintraub–Bank of America Distinguished Professor of Law, and the Elizabeth D. and Richard A. Merrill Professor.

An expert in administrative law and constitutional structure, Dean Magill teaches administrative law, constitutional law, and food and drug law. Her scholarly articles have been published in leading law reviews, and she has won several awards for her scholarly contributions. She is a member of the American Law Institute, and served as a fellow in the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University, a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, and the Thomas Jefferson Visiting Fellow at Downing College, Cambridge University.

After completing her BA in history at Yale University in 1988, Dean Magill served as a senior legislative assistant for energy and natural resources for U.S. Senator Kent Conrad, a position she held for four years. She left the Hill to attend the University of Virginia School of Law, where she was articles development editor of the Virginia Law Review and received several awards for academic and scholarly achievement. After graduating in 1995, Dean Magill clerked for Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and then for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Lisa Larrimore Ouellette


Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

斯坦福法学院的法学助理教授。她的学术成就集中于知识产权和创新领域法律的实践和理论问题。她利用自己在物理学所获的训练来探索政策问题,如专利技术披露的价值、《拜杜法案》下联邦政府支持的研究的专利、在专利上极化的公共话语、以及专利法和其他创新政策杠杆的一体化。她的写作还涉及在线搜索结果解决商标显著性的证据问题的可能性。在Ouellette教授就任于斯坦福法学院之前,她曾任美国联邦巡回上诉法院Timothy B. Dyk法官和美国第二巡回上诉法院小John M. Walker法官的助理。

Lisa Larrimore Ouellette is an Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Law School. Her scholarship addresses empirical and theoretical problems in intellectual property and innovation law. She takes advantage of her training in physics to explore policy issues such as the value of technical disclosures in patents, the patenting of federally funded research under the Bayh-Dole Act, the polarized public discourse over patents, and the integration of patent law with other levers of innovation policy. She has also written about the potential of online search results to address the evidentiary problem of trademark distinctiveness. Prior to her appointment at Stanford Law School, Professor Ouellette clerked for Judge Timothy B. Dyk of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and Judge John M. Walker, Jr., of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Mark Lemley

斯坦福大学法学院William H. Neukom教授

William H. Neukom Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

现任斯坦福大学法学院William H. Neukom教授、斯坦福大学法律与科技项目主任、斯坦福大学法律与科技法学硕士项目(LLM)主任。他讲授的课程包括知识产权法、计算机及互联网法、专利法、反垄断法。Professor Lemley 是Durie Tangri LLP律师事务所的创始合伙人,为客户提供知识产权、反垄断及互联网法各个领域的诉讼及顾问服务。他还是Lex Machina, Inc.公司的创办人和董事会成员,这家创业公司专门为律所、企业、法院和政策制定者提供有关知识产权纠纷的数据及分析。

从法学院毕业之后,Professor Lemley 曾任美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院Dorothy Nelson法官的助理,并曾在硅谷的Brown & Bain律师事务所和Fish & Richardson律师事务所,以及旧金山的Keker & Van Nest律师事务所执业。


Mark Lemley is William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, Director of the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology, and Director of Stanford’s LLM Program in Law, Science and Technology. He teaches intellectual property, computer and Internet law, patent law, and antitrust law. Professor Lemely is a founding partner of Durie Tangri LLP,where he litigates and counsels clients in all areas of intellectual property, antitrust, and Internet law. He is the founder and a board member of Lex Machina, Inc., a startup company providing data and analytics around IP disputes to law firms, companies, courts, and policy-makers.

After graduating from law school, Professor Lemley clerked for Judge Dorothy Nelson on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and has practiced law in Silicon Valley with Brown & Bain and with Fish & Richardson, and in San Francisco with Keker & Van Nest. He received his J.D. degree from University of California Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall).



Associate Dean and Associate Professor,

Tsinghua University Law School

北京大学理学学士(应用化学)、法学硕士和博士,耶鲁大学法学硕士。清华大学法学院副院长、副教授,清华大学法学院知识产权中心主任、清华大学-微软创新与知识产权联合研究中心执行主任。2002.08-现在,清华大学法学院清华大学法学院全职教师,学术兴趣为知识产权法、竞争法、财产法。主要讲授专利法、知识产权许可、知识产权法、Chinese Civil Law(中国民法)等。

2002年进入清华大学法学院之前,在北京康达律师事务所上海分所执业近三年,主要负责知识产权诉讼和许可业务。2001年7-10月, 美国纽约CPLP律师事务所实习。2008年9月-2009年1月,在美国联邦巡回上诉法院(CAFC)跟随原法官Rader实习,同时在乔治华盛顿大学法学院作访问学者。2012年7月和2013年5月,分别在美国芝加哥大学法学院和华盛顿大学法学院(西雅图)作短期访问学者。


Cui Guobin is the Associate Dean for International Affairs and Academics as well as Director of the Center for Intellectual Property at Tsinghua University Law School. He is also the Executive Director of the Tsinghua University-Microsoft Joint Center for Innovation and Intellectual Property. Professor Cui earned his Ph.D. in law, LL.M., and B.Sc. in Chemistry from Peking University, and his second LL.M. from Yale Law School.

His scholarly interests include intellectual property, antitrust, property, and law and economics theory. He teaches Intellectual Property Law, Patent Law, IP Licensing, and Chinese Civil Law. He has published more than 20 law review articles and two popular casebooks, “Patent Law: Cases and Materials” (1st edition in 2012, 2nd edition in 2015) and “Copyright Law: Cases and Materials” (2014).

Before he joined Tsinghua in 2002, he had practiced intellectual property litigation and licensing law in Beijing and Shanghai. In 2008, he worked as an intern for Judge Rader at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He was a visiting scholar at the George Washington University Law School in 2008, the University of Chicago Law School in July 2012, and the University of Washington Law School in May 2013.

He also serves as adjunct researcher, the Center for Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property, Supreme People’s Court of China; Legal advisor, Beijing High People’s Court; and Specialist Juror, Beijing Intellectual Property Court.



Professor of Law, Peking University Law School;

Executive Deputy Dean, School of Intellectual Property Law


Ping Zhang is a Professor of Law at Peking University Law School. She is the Executive Deputy of the School of Intellectual Property Law, and the Director of the Institute for Internet Law, Peking University. She also serves as the Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China’s Law Association on Sciences and Technology, Vice President of the Intellectual Property Research Association, China’s Law Society, and is the Director of China Supreme Court’s Theory Research Base on Intellectual Property, and the National Institute for Digital Copyright Research. Her research interests include: licensing policy of intellectual property rights in technology standards and related antitrust issues, patent protection of computer software and intellectual property opening license, and IP issues in Internet-related industries. She has also served as the Director and General Advisor of several state funded research programs, including: China’s National Long-term Science and Technology Development Planning, the National Intellectual Property Strategy Research, Intellectual Protection and Applicable Solutions in Information Society, Patterns and Policies for Commercializing Chinese Universities’ Patents, add Internet-based Legislative Research.



Professor of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law


刘教授在斯坦福大学法学院获得法学博士学位(JSD),曾任法律和经济学奥林研究员(Olin Fellow)、微软知识产权和反垄断研究员以及斯坦福大学国际法律研究项目研究员。他还曾担任《斯坦福技术法评论》的高级编辑。他还拥有中国社会科学院法理学博士学位。

刘教授曾在贝克麦坚时律师事务所(Baker & McKenzie)和众达律师事务所(Jones Day)从事娱乐和媒体、计算机和信息技术、知识产权诉讼和交易方面的工作。他曾参与在中国备受瞩目的一些诉讼案件,其中一些包括被中国最高人民法院评为“年度知识产权十佳案件”的案件。他还协助各行业协会和国际组织进行知识产权相关的政策项目。

Assistant Professor Jiarui Liu focuses his research on intellectual property law, in particular the interactions between intellectual property protection, technological innovation, and the development of cultural industries. He is a fellow at the Center for Internet and Society of Stanford Law School. Before that, he was a tenure track assistant professor of law at the University of New Hampshire School of Law. He has published 32 academic articles in U.S., European, and Chinese law reviews. One of his articles has been included in the suggested readings of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and another has been selected and reprinted by West as one of the best law articles of 2010 in the areas of art, entertainment, and publishing.

He obtained his JSD at Stanford Law School, where he was an Olin Fellow in Law and Economics, a Microsoft Fellow in Intellectual Property and Antitrust, and a Stanford Program in International Legal Studies Fellow. He has also served as a senior editor of the Stanford Technology Law Review. He has a PhD in Jurisprudence from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

He has worked for Baker & McKenzie and Jones Day, practicing entertainment and media, computer and information technology, intellectual property litigation and transactions. He has been involved in several high-profile cases in China, including some designated as the “Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases of the Year” by the Supreme People’s Court of China. He has also assisted various industrial associations and international organizations in intellectual property-related policy projects.



Professor, Intellectual Property School, East China University of Political Science and Law

华东政法大学教授、博士生导师、校学术委员会副主任委员,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。入选国家百千万人才工程,并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”称号,入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者项目和“新世纪优秀人才计划”,被评为“全国知识产权保护最具影响力人物”、“上海市优秀中青年法学家”、“全国知识产权领军人才”和“中国版权卓越成就者”。获得第八届“ 全国十大杰出青年法学家”提名奖和第十八届“上海市十大杰出青年”提名奖。兼任中国知识产权法学研究会常务理事、中国版权协会常务理事;是北京市高级人民法院、上海市检察院和上海知识产权法院等多家法院和检察院咨询专家。

主持过国家社会科学基金重大项目等三项国家社会科学基金课题和教育部课题、司法部课题和上海哲学社会科学课题等省部级课题, 以及国家版权局、文化部等部委的委托课题。独著《网络环境中的著作权保护研究》和《论“基因歧视”及其法律对策》,在《法学研究》、《中国法学》等刊物上发表学术论文和评论百余篇。是“全国优秀教师”,获得过“霍英东青年教师奖一等奖”。是《著作权法》第三次修改专家委员会成员,在世界知识产权组织2012年《视听表演北京条约》和2013年《马拉喀什条约》外交会议中,任“ 起草委员会”成员和中国代表团成员。

WANG Qian is a professor of law and the vice chairman of the academic committee in East China University of Political Science and Law. He is also the “Chang Jiang youth scholar” of the Ministry of Education, the “young and middle-aged expert who made great contribution” accredited by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and he enjoys the special subsidy of the State Council.

He received his LL.M from form the University of Toronto in Canada and his Ph.D. from Peking University. He published the book “Copyright Protection in the Internet”, “Internet Copyright Law”, “Copyright Law”, “Intellectual Property Law”, and “On Genetic Discrimination and Legal Countermeasure”. He also co-authored the book “Copyright Protection in the Internet in China and EU” and “Study on Indirect Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights”. He published more than 100 papers and commentaries. He was appointed as an IP expert adviser by various governmental agencies and courts, including the IP adviser for 2010 Shanghai Expo, Shanghai IP Court and Beijing High Court. He is also a member of editorial board of the Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. He joined the work of drafting Regulation on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network in 2005, and he is a member in the expert group for the third amendment of PRC Copyright Law. He was awarded the honor of “the most influential figure in IP protection in China”, “the outstanding contributor for China Copyright Protection”, and “the outstanding young jurist in Shanghai”.



Faculty of Law, Center of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science; Chief of Intellectual Property Law Center, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science

1978年10月进入北京大学历史系、法律系学习,1991年获得博士学位,并于同年进入中国社会科学院法学研究所。1995 年1月至1997年1月在美国华盛顿大学法学院作访问学者;2001年2月至8月在德国马普知识产权研究所担任客座研究员,研究外国和国际专利、不正当竞争以及版权法;2002年5月至6月赴加拿大作访问学者,访问加拿大知识产权局,并在英属哥伦比亚法学院进行学术研究;2003年10月至2004年1月在台湾国立清华大学担任客座教授;2006年10月到2007年3月,在日本知识产权法研究所担任客座研究员。



Mr. Li, Mingde enrolled in Peking University History Department and Law school in October 1978. In 1991, he got his Ph.D from Peking University and went to Institute of Law, China Academy of Social Sciences in the same year. From January 1995 to January 1997, he was a visiting scholar in School of Law, Washington University in Seattle, United States. From February to August 2001, STANFORD, PEKING AND OXFORD UNIVERSITY INTERNET LAW AND POLICY CONFERENCE US, CHINA AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES | DECEMBER 4, 2017

he was a guest researcher in Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Unfair Competition, and Copyright Law in Munich, Germany. From May to June, 2002, he visited Canada as a visiting scholar, visited Canadian Intellectual Property Office, and did his research work in Faulty of Law, University of British Columbia. From October 2003 to January 2004, he was a guest professor in National Tsing Hua University. From October 2006 to February 2007, he was an invited researcher at the Institute of Intellectual Property in Tokyo, Japan.

Now Mr. Li is the director of Intellectual Property Center, China Academy of Social Sciences, a professor in Institute of Law, China Academy of Social Sciences; Intellectual Property center, China Academy of Social Sciences; and an arbitrator for China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Up to date, he has published seven books and about 50 articles. The main works are as follow: Special 301 and the Dispute on Protection of Intellectual Property between China and the United States (2000), Copyright Law (2003), U.S. Intellectual Property Law (2003), Intellectual Property Law (2006), Intellectual Property in European Union (2010), “the Protection of design and its Related Rights in the United States,” “the Doctrine of Equivalents in the U.S. Patent Law,” “Copyright Industry and Knowledge-Based Economy,” “the Copyright Protection in the Internet.”

In addition to the research work above, Mr. Li Mingde has been a speaker and lecturer in many conferences and training programs conducted by UNESCO, WIPO, National Copyright Administration of China, China Intellectual Property Office, China Trademark Office, etc. He has visited the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Spain, Sweden, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. In a series international conferences or forums, he delivered speeches in English on intellectual property law, such as “the Digital Economy and Intellectual Property,” “TRIPS Agreement and the Intellectual Property Protection in China,” “TRIPS Agreement and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore,” “The Well-known Trademark Protection in China,” “the Establishment and Development of Intellectual Property System in China,” and “A Comparative Study on the Protection of Well-known trademarks between China and Japan.”



General Counsel, Tencent

2010年加入全球领先的互联网公司腾讯,目前担任该公司的副总裁及总法律顾问,负责所有法律相关事务,包括知识产权、法律诉讼、隐私媒体、合规交易和公共战略研究。在加入腾讯前,曾任职于硅谷一家领先的律师事务所,主要负责并购及技术交易, 尤其是互联网公司相关的业务。他从斯坦福法学院获得法学博士学位,从耶鲁大学获得亚州研究学硕士学位,从美国卡尔顿学院获得历史本科学位。

Brent joined Tencent, a leading global Internet company, in 2010. He is currently Vice President and General Counsel, overseeing all legal matters, including intellectual property, litigation, privacy, compliance and public policy. Prior to joining Tencent, he worked at a leading Silicon Valley law firm, specializing in M&A and technology transactions, with a special emphasis on Internet companies. He received his JD from Stanford Law School, an MA in Asian Studies from Yale University and a BA in History from Carleton College.


斯坦福大学法学院Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick法学教授

Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

世界公认的知识产权法专家。他撰写了极具影响力的五卷关于美国著作权法的专著,一卷关于国际著作权法的专著, 以及许多关于知识产权和国际知识产权的重要判例集。他撰写了十一部以知识产权为主题的作品,其中包括三部小说,如《错误与遗漏》、《专利的谎言》和获得了2013年哈珀李法律小说奖的《哈瓦那安魂曲》。他的其他作品有《著作权之道:从古登堡到数字点播机》以及《知识产权:导致商业成败的严峻新现实》。前者论及了著作权的历史和未来,在业界备受赞誉。STANFORD, PEKING AND OXFORD UNIVERSITY INTERNET LAW AND POLICY CONFERENCE US, CHINA AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES | DECEMBER 4, 2017

Goldstein教授现为美富律师事务所(Morrison & Foerster)知识产权部法律顾问,并连年被评为“美国最佳律师”。他曾是美国电子信息时代知识产权技术评估咨询专家组办公室主席,德国慕尼黑马克斯•普朗克外国与国际专利、著作权和竞争法研究所的访问学者, 以及慕尼黑知识产权法中心的创始教员。此外,在1975年加入斯坦福大学法学院之前,他还曾是纽约州立大学布法罗法学院教授。

A globally recognized expert on intellectual property law, Professor Goldstein is the author of an influential five-volume treatise on U.S. copyright law and a one-volume treatise on international copyright law, as well as leading casebooks on intellectual property and international intellectual property. He has authored eleven books including three novels devoted to intellectual property themes, Errors and Omissions, A Patent Lie, and Havana Requiem, which received the 2013 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. Some of his other works include Copyright’s Highway: From Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox, a widely acclaimed book on the history and future of copyright, and Intellectual Property: The Tough New Realities That Could Make or Break Your Business.

Professor Goldstein currently serves as of counsel at Morrison & Foerster in their intellectual property group and has been regularly included in Best Lawyers in America. He has served as chairman of the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment Advisory Panel on Intellectual Property Rights in an Age of Electronics and Information, has been a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright, and Competition Law in Munich, Germany, and was a founding faculty member of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center. In addition, before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 1975, he was a professor of law at the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School.



Deputy Dean and Professor, Peking University Law School



GUO Li is a Professor of Law and Vice Dean at Peking University Law School, and the chief editor of PKU Journal of Legal Studies. He has also taught at Cornell, Duke, Sydney, Vanderbilt, and is the recipient of the Humboldt Foundation Fellowship. His scholarly interests cover financial laws, social development and comparative studies. He is the Vice Chairman of China Banking Law Society, and also the standing committee member of China Economic Law Society and China Securities Law Society, and awarded as one of the Outstanding Teachers by the Beijing Municipal Government, among the others.

Prof. Guo has published 50 articles in different SSCI or CSSCI journals. He is currently serving as a member of the Public Offering Review Committee for China Securities Regulatory Commission, as well as the expert member of specialized committees for Asset Management Association of China and National Internet Finance Association of China. He is listed as an arbitrator at Beijing Arbitration Commission and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, and admitted into the Bar of China and New York State. He is a graduate of PKU, Southern Methodist, and Harvard Law School.



Dean, Tencent Research Institute



Dr. Jason Si is currently the Dean of Tencent Research Institute, the Director of Tencent Public Strategy Research Department, and the Associate General Counsel of Tencent Tech. Holdings. He is a member of Information Society 50 Forum and a senior research fellow of International Copyright Research Center in NCAC. He is also a visiting scholar of Stanford Law School and a guest professor of Shenzhen University.

Dr. Si has received his Ph.D from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He has dedicated much of his academic works to studying legal and public issues associated with the Chinese internet industry and published dozens of articles accordingly. Before joining Tencent, he held key positions in Netease, Xunlei, and other renowned Chinese internet companies. This unique combination of both academic and practical experiences helps him cut deep into those often fast-changing structures and practices of the Chinese internet industry, and develop his reputation as an influential advisor in relevant fields.



the Chief Analyst and director of

Industrial EconomicsResearch Center

of Tencent Research Institute


Dr. Li Gang is currently the Chief Analyst and director of Industrial Economics Research Center of Tencent Research Institute. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore Business School in 2008. Before joining Tencent, he served as principal researcher and leader of Industry & Strategy Research Team in Samsung Economic Research Institute (China Office).

Nicole Stremlau


Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, Policy, University of Oxford


Nicole Stremlau is Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. She is also a Fellow of Wolfson College, a Research Associate at the Centre for Global Communications at the University of Pennsylvania and a Senior Associate with the Stanhope Centre in London. She has published extensively on media policy and the role of ICTs in development and conflict, with a special interest in Africa. As Head of PCMLP, Nicole directs the Price Media Law Moot Court Programme and is co-director of the Annenberg-Oxford Summer Institute.



associated professor of Faculty of Music and Recording Art in

Communication University of China

中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院副教授,硕士生导师,音乐学博士。曾在美国波士顿东北大学音乐产业专业访学进修,并曾多次在爱丁堡大学、北京大学、德雷塞尔大学、芝加哥学院等院校作中国音乐产业的相关讲座。承担《中国音乐国际传播》(国家社科课题)、《高校中的音乐传播研究》(北京市重点课题)、《从立法与实践层面探析国际各行业组织对音乐产业发展的重要影响》等多项产业相关课题;完成《中国数字音乐发展现状分析及网络进口音乐文化安全研究报告》等相关报告;参与和执笔由新闻出版广电总局牵头的《2014年度音乐产业报告》和《2015年度音乐产业报告》(音乐产业蓝皮书)撰写,并于近年活跃在产业各大会议和各大媒体,作了《中国音乐产业创新之树何以“枝繁叶茂” 》、《数字音乐付费难以推进之原因探析》、《数字音乐产业生态发展现状及未来趋势》、《失衡的音乐生态圈及产业发展建议》、《重生与变革:版权新秩序下的中国音乐产业》、《十年沉浮,终迎曙光:对中国音乐产业的反思与展望》等多次主题发言;在CSSCI期刊上,发表《美国音乐市场消费模式的发展现状与特征》、《数字音乐文化传播中的版权困境与解决之道》、《互联网渠道下音乐国际传播的现状、特点与问题分析》、《扬“音乐文化大国”之帆,抵“音乐产业大国”之岸——第三次著作权法修订将迎来中国音乐产业的新希望》、《韩国音乐在国际传播中借力互联网的发展现状及启示》、《中国音乐集体管理组织发展滞后的原因与对策探析》、《中国音乐生态圈的现状》等多篇学术论文,其发表的论文《中国音乐文化的国际传播与走出去战略问题研究》被新华文摘全文转载。


Zhang Fengyan, associated professor of Faculty of Music and Recording Art in Communication University of China. She once studied the Music Industry in Northeastern University in Boston and gave lectures concerning China Music Industry in University of Edinburgh, Peking University, Drexel University, Columbia College Chicago and other universities. She undertook many projects on music industry, such as The International Communication of Chinese Music (National Project), Music Communication in Colleges and Universities (Priority Project of Beijing Municipal), Discovering the The Impact of International Industry Associations on the Development of Music Industry on the Level of Legislation and Practice and so on. Finish relative reports such as Analysis on the Current Situation of Chinese Digital Music Development and the Report on Culture Security of Imported Internet Music. She took part in and wrote 2014 Annual Report on Music Industry and 2015 Annual Report on Music Industry which were leaded by State Administration of Radio Film and TV (SARFT). She has been playing an active part in media and attending various industry meetings and panels and gave keynote speeches such as How can the Tree of Creation of China Music Industry Flourish, Analysis on the Reason Why Paid Digital Music is Hard to Develop, Unbalanced Music Ecosphere and Advice on Industry development, Reborn and Reform: Chinese Music Industry under New Copyright Order. She published academic papers on CSSCI such as Present Development and Features of Consuming Model of US Music Market, The Copyright Dilemma and Resolution of Digital Music Cultural Communication, Current Situation, Features and Problems of International Music Communication in Internet Channels, Set the sail of Powerful Country in in Music Culture, Reach the Destination of Great Country in Music industry----New Hope Coming with the Third Amendment of Chinese Copyright Law, The Current Development situation and Inspiration from the South Korea’s taking advantage of in International Communication, Current Situation of China Music Ecological Environment and so on. The article Research on the Strategy of the International Communication and Stepping Out of Chinese Music Culture has been republished entirely by XinHua Digest. In 2017, she is honored to make a keynote address in the music industry and copyright by the Peking University, the University of Edinburgh, the American Music and Entertainment Industry Forum, and the British Embassy. She is also an advisory committee of the Internet industry research base and the Korean copyright Commission, and a research consultant for the music industry of Sichuan Cultural and Creative Industry Research institute.



Research Associate, Federal Judicial Center

联邦司法中心的助理研究员。他担任该中心的联邦证据规则咨询委员会联络员。他还是该中心《依照2016年保护商业秘密法案查封商业秘密的最佳做法》报告的作者,该报告根据2016年保护商业秘密法案撰写并提交给国会。他撰写并探讨了很多关于证据和知识产权的问题。他还发表了许多文化财产、专利等方面的中国法律的文章。刘博士在斯坦福大学法学院获得法律博士学位,并在麻省理工大学获得材料科学与工程博士学位。他曾在美国联邦巡回上诉法院担任Raymond C. Clevenger III法官的助理。

Timothy Lau is a research associate at the Federal Judicial Center. He serves as the Center's liaison to the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence. He is also the author of the Center's report, "Trade Secret Seizure Best Practices Under the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016," that was developed and submitted to Congress pursuant to the Act. He has written and spoken about issues on evidence and intellectual property. He has also published numerous articles on Chinese law, ranging from cultural property to patents. Dr. Lau earned his J.D. at Stanford Law School and his Sc.D. in materials science and engineering from MIT. He clerked for Judge Raymond C. Clevenger III of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.



Director of the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE); Professor, UIBE Law Schooll




在Antitrust Law Journal、Competition Policy International、《新华文摘》、《中国发展观察》、《清华法学》、《法学》、《现代法学》、《法学论坛》、《法学杂志》、《华东政法大学学报》、《法律适用》、《社会科学》、《人民司法》、《经济法制论坛》、《国际贸易》、《国际商务》、《价格理论与实践》、《人民日报(理论版)》、《法制日报》、《财经文摘》、《财经》、《中国改革》等国内外SSCI、CSSCI及核心中文期刊和知名杂志期刊上发表多篇学术论文,其中具有代表性的有:《Pursuing The Second Best:The History, Momentum,and Remaining Issues of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law》、《中国反垄断法:一部注重整体协调的法律》、《认识中国反垄断法》、《国际竞争法的现状与发展》、《中国在反垄断国际合作中的对策》、《论WTO救济制度与竞争法的关系》、《中国反垄断法实施中的政府职能定位》、《论中国的企业集团化与反垄断法的政策取向》、《我国的企业并购反垄断规制问题研究》、《“国家-市场”尺度下的反垄断法三十年—迈向“自治-回应”型法》、《反垄断法实施的文化维度论纲-以竞争文化、诉讼文化与权利文化为中心》等80余篇学术论文。

主持、承担过的科研课题项目包括但不限于:国务院反垄断委员会《中国市场总体竞争状况研究》;国务院法制办《中国反垄断立法问题研究》、《禁止垄断协议立法比较研究》和《企业集中反垄断法控制立法比较研究》;全国人大法工委《各国反垄断法律翻译项目》;国家发改委《竞争政策与产业政策的关系》;商务部《我国贸易政策与竞争政策研究》(“十一五”规划17个重点课题项目之一)、《企业兼并反垄断法审查标准研究》、《知识产权与反垄断法关系研究》、《经营者集中执法问题研究》、《企业并购反垄断法审查中的破产抗辩制度研究》、《经营者集中附加限制性条件执行问题研究》、《关于经营者集中审查简易程序问题研究》;国资委《中央企业改革发展与<反垄断法>适用问题研究》;司法部重点课题项目《限制竞争协议的反垄断法律问题研究》,欧盟《中国城市社会保障法律制度研究》(项目负责人之一),欧盟环境委员会《石油天然气立法-管制与竞争》,中国欧盟世贸项目(EUCTP) 《反垄断法中的豁免制度研究》、《知识产权领域的反垄断法适用研究》、《贸易政策与竞争政策协调研究》,亚洲开发银行《各国竞争法比较研究》等等。

曾在英国皇家国际关系研究院(Chatham House)、美国全美律师协会(ABA)、美国斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、纽约大学、乔治华盛顿大学、乔治城大学、美利坚大学、乔治梅森大学、英国牛津大学、瑞士苏黎世大学、名古屋大学、首尔大学、香港城市大学、台湾政治大学、台湾辅仁大学等做关于中国竞争法主题演讲;应邀访问过美国、欧盟、日本、韩国、意大利、英国、葡萄牙等国的反垄断执法机构。


Dr. and Professor Yong Huang is the Director of the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and law Professor of UIBE Law School. Currently he is also appointed member of the Expert Advisory Board of the State Council Anti-monopoly Commission and Chief Researcher of the Supreme People's Court Judicial Cases Research Institute.

Professor Huang has specialized in competition law. He publishes articles, papers and books on this subject extensively in Chinese and English. When China began to draft Anti-Monopoly Law, Professor Huang advised both the government and the lawmakers throughout the entire process. He first served as a member of the Advisory Board for the State Council and later an advisory expert for the Legal Committee of the National People’s Congress, until the law was enacted.

Professor Huang has been entrusted by a variety of Chinese government agencies, legislative bodies and international organizations to conduct research projects in relation to competition law issues. These instructions come from: Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration of Industry and Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Justice, National People’s Congress, EU-China Trade Project and Asian Development Bank, etc. STANFORD, PEKING AND OXFORD UNIVERSITY INTERNET LAW AND POLICY CONFERENCE US, CHINA AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES | DECEMBER 4, 2017

While fulfilling his academic and professional responsibilities, Professor Huang also contributes to China’s political and legislative initiatives. He is a member of the China Democratic National Construction Association (CDNCA), one of the eight democratic parties in the country, and serves as Deputy Director of CDNCA’s Central Legal Committee. In 2012, Professor Huang was elected to serve a five-year term in the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, sitting in the Congress’ Financial and Economic Committee. Moreover, he serves as the Anti-Monopoly Law expert of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC), a researcher of China’s Supreme People’s Court Intellectual Property Judicial Protection Research Center, a commissioner of the legal advisory committee of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), an expert commissioner of administrative review committee of the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) and the consultancy expert concerning insurance legal affairs in the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), etc.

Professor Huang received his LL.B. degree from Peking University, his LL.M. and PhD degrees from the University of International Business & Economics. He was a visiting scholar in the University of Connecticut School of Law from 1996 to 1997.



Professor, Peking University Law School


Ming Yang is a Professor of Peking University Law School. He received his Ph.D. at Renmin University Law School and became a faculty member at Peking University Law School in 2006. He was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley School of Law during 2008 – 2009, and was a visiting professor at the University of Akron School of Law during 2012. He was also a Microsoft visiting scholar at the University of Washington Law School during 2015. His research fields include IP law and competition law. He teaches several courses including: Introduction to IP law, Copyright Law, Trade Mark Law, Theories of IP foundations, International Protection of IPR, and Competition Law. Yang has hosted and took part in several research projects supported by National Ministries. He has published more than 30 articles in different academic Journals and 3 books, including “The Research on Intellectual Property Anspruch” (Peking University Publishing Press, 2005).


乔治梅森大学Antonin Scalia法学院教授、美国联邦贸易委员会前高级专员

Professor, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University; former Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission

全球反垄断研究所执行主任,并受聘于经济学系兼职。 2013年1月1日,经由奥巴马总统提名,美国参议院一致同意任赖特教授为联邦贸易委员会(FTC)成员。怀特教授于2015年秋季重新加入斯卡利亚法学院担任全职教员。



赖特教授2002年于加州大学洛杉矶分校获得法律博士(JD)学位,2003年于加州大学洛杉矶分校获得经济学博士(PhD)学位,1998 年于加州大学圣地亚哥分校优等毕业。赖特教授是加州律师协会成员。

University Professor Joshua D. Wright is the Executive Director of the Global Antitrust Institute and holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Economics. On January 1, 2013, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Professor Wright as a member of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), following his nomination by President Obama to that position. He rejoined Scalia Law School as a full-time member of the faculty in Fall 2015.

Professor Wright is a leading scholar in antitrust law, economics, intellectual property, and consumer protection, and has published more than 70 articles and book chapters, co-authored a leading antitrust casebook, and edited several book volumes focusing on these issues. Professor Wright also served as Co-Editor of the Supreme Court Economic Review, a Senior Editor of the Antitrust Law Journal, and an Editor of the International Review of Law and Economics. Professor Wright's teaching and interests include Antitrust, Contracts, Law and Economics, the intersection of Intellectual Property and Antitrust, and Quantitative Methods.

Wright previously served the Commission in the Bureau of Competition as its inaugural Scholar-in-Residence from 2007 to 2008, where he focused on enforcement matters and competition policy. Wright’s return to the FTC as a Commissioner marked his fourth stint at the agency, after having served as an intern in both the Bureau of Economics and Bureau of Competition in 1997 and 1998, respectively.

Wright received his JD from UCLA in 2002, his PhD in economics from UCLA in 2003, and graduated with honors from the University of California, San Diego in 1998. He is a member of the California Bar.

Olivia Hatalsky


Sr. Program Manager, Alphabet

阿尔法特(Alphabet)公司的高级项目经理。在谷歌风险投资公司(Google Ventures)小试牛刀展现才华之后,她加入了由一批学者、创作者、梦想家和企业家组成的团队,即谷歌X(Google X)的前身。过去几年里,她为谷歌X平视显示器、葡萄糖传感隐形眼镜、计算摄影、地热加热和冷却以及互联网气球之类所有研发活动提供了产品、运营、扩展和战略支持。她目前负责监督Loon项目的产品运营计划及其各种全球推广工作,并共同领导一个在阿尔法特公司专门从事实验性调查的工程咨询。

Olivia Hatalsky is a Sr. Program Manager at Alphabet. After catching the start-up bug at Google Ventures she subsequently moved to a small group of academics, tinkerers, dreamers, and entrepreneurs which grew to become Google X. Over the last several years she’s provided product, operations, scaling & strategy support on virtually every R&D moonshot at X -- including heads up displays, glucose sensing contact lenses, computational photography, geothermal heating and cooling, and internet balloons. She currently oversees Loon's product roadmap and their various global rollout efforts in addition to co-leading an engineering consultancy which specializes in experimental investigations across Alphabet.